Thursday, 30 June 2011
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Flexural strength
Flexural strength is defined as three points of flexural test.
D = 3FL/2bh3. D is flexural strength, F is maxmum load, L is distance of fulcrum to fulcrum, b is sample width h is sample thickness. The unit of Young's modulus, flexural modulus and flexural strength is MPa
Flexural modulus
Flexural modulus is defined as three points of flexural test.
- E = L3F/4bh3Y. E is flexural modulus,
- L is distance of fulcrum to fulcrum,
- b is sample width,
- h is sample thickness,
- F is load at linear part and Y is flexure at F.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Abaqus material
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Abaqus tutorials links
ABAQUS Finite Element Software was developed by David Hibbitt,Dr. Bengt Karlsson and Paul Sorensen in 1978. ABAQUS finds application across a wide range of industries ranging from nuclear, offshore, automobile, aerospace, bio-medical and consumer industries. ABAQUS software is available in 3 packages:
- ABAQUS/Standard
- ABAQUS/Explicit
ABAQUS/Standard provides technology to solve traditional implicit finite element analyses, such as static, dynamics, thermal, all powered with the widest range of contact and nonlinear material options. ABAQUS/Standard also has optional add-on and interface products which address design sensitivity analysis, offshore engineering, and integration with third party software, e.g., plastic injection molding analysis.
ABAQUS/Explicit introduced in 1991, provides solutions to solve transient dynamics and quasi-static analyses using an explicit approach appropriate in many applications such as drop test, crushing and many manufacturing processes.
ABAQUS/CAE provides a tool for interactive building of finite element models that interfaces with popular CAD packages and results visualization, was released in 1999. With direct access to CAD models, advanced meshing and visualization, and with an exclusive view towards ABAQUS analysis products, ABAQUS/CAE is the modeling environment of choice for many ABAQUS users.
A brief history of ABAQUS can be found on ABAQUS website
Support Information |
North America Europe Japan Asia Pacific and Australia |
North American Support-1-401-276-4400 |
email Technical Support |
Training |
Description of Abaqus Training Courses |
Abaqus Training Schedules |
Course Registration |
Testing and Analysis of Elastomers for Users of ABAQUS - axel physical testing services |
Related Articles |
How to Roll It Right the First Time - Metalforming Simulation in ABAQUS - Desktop Engineering |
Will the crash zone crumple? FEA tells - Simulation using ABAQUS/Explicit - Machine Design |
Simulating Crashworthiness At BMW - Design News |
Low Stress Welding Simulations - ABAQUS helps with complex modeling and simulation of welding processes - Desktop Engineering |
Simulation on the Spot - Simulation using ABAQUS/CAE - Desktop Engineering |
Finite element analysis helped Boeing eliminate oiled bearings on its Chinook helicopter - Mechanical Engineering Magazine |
More ... |
Tutorials |
"Using ABAQUS" Tutorial at University of Illnois Urbana-Champaign |
"Using ABAQUS - Beam Analysis" Tutorial at University of Illnois Urbana-Champaign |
ABAQUS Tutorials at Brown University |
ABAQUS Tutorial at Purdue University |
ABAQUS Tutorial at Georgia Tech |
Introduction to ABAQUS at New Mexico Tech |
ABAQUS 6.6 Documentation at University of Calgary |
Presentation - FEA of Elastomers and Gaskets in ABAQUS - Tod Dalrymple, HKS Michigan and Kurt Miller, Axel Products |
Presentation - Rubber Material Curve Fitting with ABAQUS/ CAE - Tod Dalrymple, HKS Michigan and Kurt Miller, Axel Products, Inc. |
ABAQUS Web Resources |
ABAQUS FAQ at University of Cambridge |
Nonlinear material models - |
Elastomer testing and technical downloads at axel physical testing services |
AE4131 - Introduction to Finite Element Methods
- Jan 10: The official course web page is on WebCT..
- Prof. Jim Craig ( This is the best way to contact me!
- Office: Weber 211C
- Phone: x4-3042
- Hours: after class or by appointment (suggest using email to arrange)
- Course Outline -
- Course Textbook
- Logan, Daryl, A First Course in the Finite Element Method, 4th Edition, Thomson 2007, ISBN 0-534-55298-6.
- Online tutorials and reference material for Abaqus finite element software
- Additional online notes as needed.
- Homework Grading: Homework will be assigned on an approximately weekly basis, and will be graded.
Course Materials
- Supplementary notes: nothing at this time
- ABAQUS projects. In order to introduce you to the use of a modern finite element program for structural analysis, a series of evening tutorials on the use of ABAQUS will be presented during the semester. Several projects will also be assigned during the semester. Check under Homework below for the details during the semester.
Homework Problem and Solutions
Note: solutions will be posted for a limited period of time.
- Available only on WebCT
Quizzes, Exams and Solutions
2D_Aluminum Bracket/ 03-Nov-2006 09:08 -
Non-Circular_Cut_out/ 03-Nov-2006 09:08 -
Plate_buckling/ 03-Nov-2006 09:08 -
Plate_with_hole/ 03-Nov-2006 09:08 -
2D_Aluminum_Bracket.pdf 19-Jun-2006 00:35 433K Document
ABAQUS_Getting_Start..> 19-Oct-2007 10:54 32K Document
Dr.HaislerInstallmen..> 30-Oct-2006 10:32 775K Zip Archive
Installment_I_CaeOdb..> 03-Nov-2006 09:08 438K Zip Archive
nonCircularCutout_v2..> 14-Sep-2006 18:45 725K Document
plateBuckling.doc 09-Jun-2006 15:09 138K Document
platewithHole_v2.doc 14-Sep-2006 17:42 319K Document
Walter Haisler Aerospace Engineering Department Texas A&M University
Syllabus - Spring 2007
Lecture Notes
Introduction to FEM Theory and Analysis for Engineers (in .ppt format)
A04, Introduction to Finite Element Theory
A01, Sizing Procedures
A02, External Loads
A03, Material Properties
A05, Bending and Extension of Thin Plates (Theory & Analytical Solution)
A06, Plate Bending Finite Element
A07, Introduction to Composite Materials
A08, Effective Moduli of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Lamina (transformation of stiffness from material 1-2
to global x-y axes, effective stiffness for a laminate, force & moment resultants, stress & strain in lamina)
Laminated Composite Plate Analysis Code (.exe file), Laminate Code Input Instructions, sample material file (.txt file), Foam_core_H45 (.txt file), Foam_core_HT90 (.txt file), Examples of Numerical Results
A09, Laminate Plate Analysis
A10, Introduction to Column Buckling
A11, Introduction to Buckling by T. Pollock (pdf)
A12, Design for Buckling of Columns and Plates
A13, Materials Selection in Structural Design
FEMAP Tutorials
Tutorial 1 - Plane Stress Modeling of a Uniaxial Rod with Axial Point Load (for Femap v9 and NX Nastran) - pdf file
Tutorial 2 - Plane Stress Modeling of Beam Bending (for Femap v9 and NX Nastran) - pdf file
Tutorial 3 - Plane Stress Modeling of Beam Bending with Modeling of Support Structure Included (for Femap v9 and NX Nastran) - pdf file
Tutorial 4 - Plane Stress Modeling of a Plate with a Circular Hold (for Femap v9 and NX Nastran) - pdf file
Plane Stress Modeling of Uniaxial Rod and Cantilever Beam with Point Load (for Femap v8.2)
Plane Stress Modeling of Flat Plate with Hole and Distributed Edge Loads
Simple Wing Spar (pdf)
Simple Wing Box Beam (zip)
Simple Rectangular Wing Planform with symmetric airfoil (zip)
B707 Tapered, Swept Wing (zip)
ABAQUS Tutorials
ABAQUS 6.6 Documentation (on aero web site)
Tutorial 1 - Analysis of an Aluminum Bracket in Plane Stress (pdf file)
Tutorial 2 - Flate Plate with Hole (Word file)
Tutorial 3 - Plate with Non-Circular Cutout (Word file)
Tutorial 4 - Plate Buckling (Word file)
Reference Material
Aircraft Structural Details (Photos) - opens a new browser window
Links to Structures, Design, FEM, MIL Handbooks, and geneneral Aerospace Engineering Topics
Project/Homework Assignments
Homework 1, Homework 2, Homework 3, Homework 4
Getting Familiar with FEMAP (7 & 8) and CAEFEM , Getting Familiar with FEMAP 9.0 and NX Nastran
Femap 7.1 Example Mod files: Ch3post.mod, Ch4done.mod, Ch7wing.mod <- Right click on link and select "Save as"
FEMAP 7.1 instructions for Chapter 3 Plate with Hole problem (for Ch3post.mod file)Project 0.5 - Bracket with end moment applied
Project 1 - Cantilever Spar Beam
Project 2 - Cantilever Wing Box Beam
Major Project 3 - Definition and time table - Define your own Major Project
Alternate Major Project 3 - Urica Wing Structure Design by FEM, Urica I- delta cp plot for cruise condition (.bmp),
Urica I- delta cp data file for cruise condition (.dat)
Major Project 3 Report Requirements
Project 4 - Laminated Plate Design
Project 5 - Stiffened Plate Buckling Design

Some Very Useful Information for Students
Tips on maintaining confidence, taking tests, understanding different learning styles, and identifying and taking advantage of learning resources on campus. Follow this link to Professor Richard Felder's page for several useful and/or interesting articles for students. Professor Felder is the Hoechst Celanese Professor of Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University and has contributed over 100 publications to the fields of engineering education and chemical process engineering.
Generalized Finite Element Methods
Lectures M/R 2:00-3:20 pm, Carnegie 102
Download Course Description
Instructor information
Professor Suvranu De
Room JEC 5002
Office Ph: X6096
Office hrs: M 3:30-4:30 pm
None required
Lecture notes are posted here at the course website.
Other reference texts:
1. Numerical approximation of partial differential equations, A. Quarteroni and A. Valli, Springer-Verlag.
2. Meshfree particle methods, S. Li and W.K. Liu, Springer.
3. Finite element procedures, K. J. Bathe, Prentice Hall
4. Integral equations, W. Hackbusch, Birkhauser
Blog: iMechanica
Lecture Notes:
Introduction ( lec1.ppt ) [1/24]
Mathematical Preliminaries (lec2.ppt ) [1/27] Polynomial interpolation (lec3.ppt ) [1/31, 2/03]
Least squares and moving least squares approximations (lec4.ppt ) [2/07, 2/10]
Kernel estimates and partition of unity approximations (lec5.ppt ) [2/14]
Strong formulation, minimization principle and the variational formulation (lec6.ppt ) [2/17]
Approximation techniques: Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods (lec7.ppt ) [2/24]
Error analysis of Galerkin methods (lec8.ppt ) [2/28]
Other approximation schemes (lec9.ppt ) [3/03, 3/21]
Local Galerkin weak forms (lec10.ppt ) [3/24] Discontinuities (lec 11.ppt ) [3/24]
Imposition of constraints (lec12.ppt ) [3/28, 3/31] Introduction to integral equations(lec13.ppt) [04/04, 04/07]
Discretization convergence theory for integral equation methods ( lec14.ppt ) [4/11]
Numerical integration (lec15.ppt) [4/14, 4/18]
Homework #1 due Feb 24 Homework #2 due Mar 31
Homework #3 due Apr 07 download gauss.m Homework #4 due Apr 28
Homework #3 due Apr 07 download gauss.m Homework #4 due Apr 28
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Stressing a Plate with a Circular or Elliptical Hole using abaqus
3 Bar Truss Example Problem using abaqus
Large Deformation Analysis of a Beam-Plate in Bending using abaqus
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